Onkoshi Rooms
and Chalets
There are fifteen (15) luxurious chalets at Onkoshi...
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Welcome to Onkoshi Camp inside Etosha National park Namibia.
At Onkoshi Camp you are not only inside the fabulous Etosha National Park with all its wildlife and splendid nature but you also get the breathtaking vista over the Etosha pan itself which is something unique to Onkoshi Camp.
Guests taking guided game drives from Onkoshi Camp also have exclusive access to areas in the north-eastern sand field area of Etosha.
There are fifteen (15) luxurious chalets at Onkoshi...
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One of the primary attractions at Onkoshi Reosrt is the location...
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Guests at Onkoshi have exclusive access...
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Located in the north east of Etosha close to Fishers Pan the Namibia Wildlife Resorts run Onkoshi Eco Camp will stun you with the sights, smells and sounds of the tranquil beauty of the Etosha Pan. The vastness of Fishers Pan spreads out before you, extending in an amazing flat panorama far beyond the horizon.
During hot days at Onkoshi Camp you can see the heat shimmering off the surface of the salt and clay encrusted Etosha Pan. Dramatic colours accompany every sunrise and sunset and the clear night skies show off Namibia's celestial display of shining stars in all their beauty... remember to wish on any shooting stars you may spot!
The Onkoshi Camp is an exclusive, low impact and environmentally friendly semi-permanent lodge with an up-market feel. Onkoshi is built on elevated wooden decks on the eastern edge of the Etosha Pan. With only 15 private chalets and a maximum of 30 guests at any one time Onkoshi Camp offers a more peaceful tranquil stay than any of the other camps in Etosha and is one of the top hotels and lodges run by Namibia Wildlife Resorts.
Onkoshi Camp is built on a secluded peninsula, offering a full view towards the west, and overlooking the immense saline pan of Etosha. The location is entirely out of view of self-drive tourist routes through Etosha, and offers a pristine, tranquil and unique experience to guests.
Note that no children under the age of 6 are allowed at Onkoshi Camp, for accommodation in Etosha catering for young children the nearest accommodation is at Namutoni.
Also important to note is that each unit at Onkoshi Lodge is energy self-sufficient provided entirely from solar energy, this includes the water heating, lighting and power point for charging electronic equipment. For this reason power is only available in the mornings between 6am and 10am, and again in the evening between 5pm and 10pm.