The nearest town is located in Henties Bay, just 240 km to the south, or Kamanjab, approximately 255 km to the east. There’s only one basic shop at Torra bay so you need to be entirely self-sufficient.
Each site shares a common power point that is centrally located between sites so remember to pack an extension cord to run to your camp, and bring everything you may need with you.

Camping at Torra Bay Skeleton Coast Namibia
Camping at Torra Bay can be a great choice but preparation is key! The camp sites are clearly marked which is essential for the close quarters. Each site is a spacious 15 x 15 meters, though neighbouring sites are in close proximity.
Power is provided by a generator. Cell phone signal and WI-FI is only provided by a mobile booster brought in for the holiday seasons so don’t rely on it!

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