Once basic fishermans camp now has a host of facilities to keep both fishermen and their families happy during a holiday.
Camping at Windpomp 14 Skwakopmund
While still primarily a fishermans camp, and running several angling events during the year Windpomp 14 is also a comfortable place for families to relax on an overnight stay or for a couple of nights as you explore the area of Swakopmund and further north up the Skeleton Coast.

Located right on the shore of the Atlantic ocean Windpomp 14 has 21 clearly marked campsites in five rows. Those on the front row closest to the ocean are in particularly high demand.

Windpomp 14 offers camp sites with electricity points, and the ablution blocks provides flush toilets and hot showers to campers.
Each camp site at Windpomp 14 has a built in Braai place (BBQ) but you should provide your own no grid. Rubbish bins are provided at all camp sites.
The electricity supplied to the camp sites is via 220v plug for charging
and has a caravan adaptor.